DMVU - Little Castles, Swim To Me

Denver’s DMVU announces the release of his next full length LP on Dome of Doom, Little Castles, Swim To Me. The 12-track, 46-minute album will be released across DSPs December 2, 2022. It’s the third entry in a trilogy of records that began with 2020’s Two Pairs of Eyes, Gazing Only at Each Other and continued with 2021’s Praise Be Delusion or, The Ripple.
Little Castles, Swim To Me’s title came to DMVU from a book he found while in a dream. This was the first instance DMVU utilized lucid dream imagery for creative purposes and that visual representation into title form can be heard immediately on the album’s opener, “The Things I’ve Left Unsaid.” Doorways open and new dream states unravel with grace on every successive track, anchored by the mastery of rhythm he’s harnessed within many different sub-genres of electronic music. Drums are sourced from original recordings DMVU created and sampled at his studio, utilizing an electronic drum set recently acquired to build everything out from top to bottom. Little Castles, Swim To Me was mastered by Grammy Award winning engineer Daddy Kev at the Cosmic Zoo facility in September of 2022, with all writing, recording, and mixing conducted by DMVU over the course of the last year. Back on artwork duties, and present for the trilogies first two entries, is Gnostikos. A perfect representation of the album and all that is contained within.